The Battle of Hamburger Hill took place during the Vietnam War.
US forces were engaged in the A Shau Valley from May 10 to May 20, 1969.
Armies & Commanders:
United States
- Major General Melvin Zais
- approx. 1,800 men
- Unknown
- approx. 1,500 men
Summary of the Battle of Hamburger Hill:
1969, US troops began Operation Apache Snow with the goal of clearing
the People's Army of Vietnam from the A Shau Valley in South Vietnam.
Located near the border with Laos, the valley had become an infiltration
route into South Vietnam and a haven for PAVN forces. A three-part
operation, the second phase commenced on May 10, 1969, as elements of
Colonel John Conmey's 3rd Brigade of the 101st Airborne moved into the
Among Conmey's forces were the 3rd Battalion,
187th Infantry (Lt. Colonel Weldon Honeycutt), 2nd Battalion, 501st
Infantry (Lt. Colonel Robert German), and the 1st Battalion, 506th
Infantry (Lt. Colonel John Bowers). These units were supported by the
9th Marines and the 3rd Battalion, 5th Cavalry, as well as elements of
the Army of Vietnam. The A Shau Valley was covered in thick jungle and
dominated by Ap Bia Mountain, which had been designated Hill 937.
Unconnected to the surrounding ridges, Hill 937 stood alone and, like
the surrounding valley, was heavily forested.
the operation a reconnaissance in force, Conmey's forces began
operations with two ARVN battalions cutting the road at the base of the
valley while the Marines and 3/5th Cavalry pushed towards the Laotian
border. The battalions from the 3rd Brigade were ordered to search and
destroy PAVN forces in their own areas of the valley. As his troops
were air mobile, Conmey planned to shift units rapidly should one
encounter strong resistance. While contact was light on May 10, it
intensified the following day when the 3/187th approached the base of
Hill 937.
Sending two companies to search the north and
northwest ridges of the hill, Honeycutt ordered Bravo and Charlie
companies to move towards the summit by different routes. Late in the
day, Bravo met stiff PAVN resistance and helicopter gunships were
brought in for support. These mistook the 3/187th's landing zone for
PAVN camp and opened fire killing two and wounding thirty-five. This
was the first of several friendly fire incidents during the battle as
the thick jungle made identifying targets difficult. Following this
incident, the 3/187th retreated into defensive positions for the night.
the next two days, Honeycutt attempted to push his battalion into
positions where they could launch a coordinated assault. This was
hampered by difficult terrain and fierce PAVN resistance. As they moved
around the hill, they found that the North Vietnamese had constructed
an elaborate system of bunkers and trenches. Seeing the focus of the
battle shifting to Hill 937, Conmey shifted the 1/506th to the south
side of the hill. Bravo Company was airlifted to the area, but the
remainder of the battalion traveled by foot and did not arrive in force
until May 19.
On May 14 and 15, Honeycutt launched
attacks against PAVN positions with little success. The next two days
saw elements of the 1/506th probing the southern slope. American
efforts were frequently hindered by the thick jungle which made
air-lifting forces around the hill impractical. As the battle raged,
much of the foliage around the summit of the hill was eliminated by
napalm and artillery fire which was used to reduce the PAVN bunkers. On
May 18, Conmey ordered a coordinated assault with the 3/187th attacking
from the north and the 1/506th attacking from the south.
forward, Delta Company of the 3/187th almost took the summit but was
beaten back with heavy casualties. The 1/506th was able to take the
southern crest, Hill 900, but met heavy resistance during the fighting.
On May 18, the commander of the 101st Airborne, Major General Melvin
Zais, arrived and decided to commit three addition battalions to the
battle as well as ordered that the 3/187th, which had suffered 60%
casualties, be relieved. Protesting, Honeycutt was able to keep his men
in the field for the final assault.Landing two battalions on the northeast and southeast slopes, Zais and Conmey launched an all-out assault on the hill at 10:00 AM on May 20. Overwhelming the defenders, the 3/187th took the summit around noon and operations began to reduce the remaining PAVN bunkers. By 5:00 PM, Hill 937 had been secured.
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